UW-Stout is one of 13 publicly supported universities in theUniversity of Wisconsin System. It was founded as a privateinstitution in 1891 by James Huff Stout. A Menomonieindustrialist and a man of great vision, he saw that studentsin America’s developing industrial society needed a differentkind of education, an education broader than that offered bytraditional curriculum. Since its founding, UW-Stout hasgained a position of national and international leadership inindustry, commerce, education and human services. Itsprograms in those fields are among the finest intheworld.Strong programs that relate to technology, vocation andsociety have also been established. Although UW-Stout is acareer-oriented university, its leaders have had the foresightto make the humanities and social sciences key parts of thetotal educational program.
UW-Stout’s Special Mission
UW-Stout, as a special mission institution, serves a uniquerole in the University of Wisconsin System. UW-Stout ischaracterized by a distinctive array of programs leading toprofessional careers focused on the needs of society. Theuniversity offers undergraduate and graduate programsleadingto professional careers in industry, commerce,education and human services through the study oftechnology, applied mathematics and science, art, business,industrial management, human behavior, family andconsumer sciences, and manufacturing-related engineeringandtechnologies. These programs are presented through anapproach to learning which involves integration of theory,practice and experimentation. Extending UW-Stout’s missioninto the future requires that instruction, research and publicservice programs be adapted and modifiedas the needs ofsociety change.
Learn more about UW-Stout’s Mission, Vision and Values.
Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University
University of Wisconsin-Stout is a comprehensive, career-focusedpolytechnic university where students, faculty andstaff use applied learning, scientific theory and research tosolve real-world problems, grow the state economy andserve society. Our tenets:
Career Focus: A polytechnic university offers acomprehensive curriculum that prepares graduates forprofessional careers.
Applied Learning: A polytechnic university blends theorywith practice to produce innovative solutions to real worldproblems.
Collaboration: A polytechnic university works closely withbusiness, industry and other educational institutions tobenefit students and grow the economy.
Recognized Quality
In 2001, UW-Stout became the first university in the nationto receive the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award,America’s highest honor for performance excellence andquality achievement.
The university’s mission driven, market smart focuspromotes collaborative leadership and an inclusive strategicplanning process. Baldrige Award criteria are used byorganizations worldwide. Winning organizations becomequality advocates, informing thousands about the criteriabenefits, including better employee relations, higherproductivity andgreater customer satisfaction.
Research and scholarship by faculty and staff are encouraged to constantly add to the bodies of knowledge on which degree programs are based. Research Services supports faculty and staff in research and program activities. From the initial submission of institutional review board materials, to budgeting and dissemination nationally and internationally, Research Services offers consultation and funding opportunities.
Learn more in personat 152 VocationalRehabilitationBldg., by phone at 715-232-1126, or online at the Research Serviceswebsite.
The Faculty
UW-Stout has a specialized faculty comprised of individualsnationally and internationally recognized in their respectivefields. Classes are taught and research projects coordinatedby highly qualified professionals. The graduate faculty iscomposed of approximately 281 members. Of these, 147hold earned doctorate degrees, while others holdspecializeddegrees in their respective fields. One of the fine traditionsat UW-Stout has been the faculty and staff commitment toprovide extra help in one-on-one situations to students.
Modern and well-equipped facilities mark UW-Stout’s 125-acre campus. We are proud of our laboratory-intensiveprograms.
Located in the center of the city of Menomonie, adjacent tothe downtown business district and Lake Menomin, UW-Stoutoffers an attractive, convenient and accessible campuss*tting.
Academic Year
The academic year is composed of two semesters, which arefurther divided into two nine-week quarters. The designationof a quarter represents one-half a semester and should notbe confused with the quarter system used at otheruniversities. Courses scheduled on the quarter basis meettwice as often each week as courses scheduled on thesemester basis. Credit hours are awarded on a semestercredit hour basis for courses scheduled on either basis. (SeeLoad Limitfor additional information.)
Summer Session
UW-Stout conducts a 10-week summer session with classesvarying in length and delivery format. You may earn up to 10credits during the 10 weeks of summer session. Weencourage you to register for classes in April and May.Complete information about class schedules, enrollmentprocedures, degree programs and housing is available on theSummer Session website.
UW-Stout conducts a winter session between first andsecond semesterswith credit-bearing classes varying inlength and delivery format. Complete information aboutcourses and enrollment procedures is available on theWinTerM website.
Customized Instruction/UW-Stout Online
Customized instruction is specialized educational programming designed for a specific population and delivered in a nontraditional manner. These courses and programs are primarily offered online, after hours or away from campus. The customized aspects of these programs include populations served, assurance of course delivery, delivery methods, and delivery times and dates. These programs are not intended for regular, residential students.
UW-Stout Online serves the needs of customized instruction students, instructors and programs by coordinating programs and services that lead to online access for programs offered at a distance, reaching populations on a global level. The officefacilitates comprehensive support services for undergraduate and graduate degree programs; individual courses; online professional development for educators; certificates; certifications; and credit outreach programs.
Additional information about customized instruction offerings is available on the Stout Online website.
The Co-op/Intern Program
Some degree programs require a co-op/intern experience,and it is a valuable option in many others. It provides anopportunity to work with professionals in your career area,before you graduate.
The program director approves a published job descriptionbefore you begin the experience. You are awarded creditbased on the length of the experience, the responsibilitiesgiven to you, and the goals and objectives you carry into thejob. Grades and credits are awarded by a university mentor.A co-op or internship can be as short as one summer,or canlast for a combination of semesters. For more information,contact Career Services (Room 103, Administration Building,715-232-1601) or on the Career Services website.
International Education
UW-Stout is committed to international education and theexchange of ideas and cultures among students, faculty andthe community. The university welcomes internationalstudents and encourages study abroad. Many of Stout’smajors lead to careers that require an understanding ofpeople and cultures in the global community.
Students from more than 35 nations attend UW-Stout eachyear. More than half of the international student body atUW-Stout pursues graduate degrees.
International programs andstudent activities are coordinated through the Office ofInternational Education (715-232-2132). This officecoordinates all overseas involvement and provides overseasopportunities for students, faculty and staff. Learn more at the Office of International Education website.
International Student Services
The special needs of international students are met throughprofessional and referral services provided by the Office ofInternational Education. These services include confidentialpersonal counseling on immigration matters, financialmatters, academic questions, social customs and personalconcerns. Other services that promote cross-culturalunderstanding include new student orientation, problemsolving and liaison activities in the university andMenomonie area community. Learn more at the International Student Services website.