The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

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The Harlan Daily Enterprisei

Harlan, Kentucky

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VOLUME ORTY SIX ull Lensed Wire Associated Press ive Cents A Copy NO 126 1HI Land chairman of the i A he the pro 14 Recruited M' anj II in 5 two candidates nomination foy for 31 Coal Blair the the his confiscat other re the of cer Delmar Gibbs chaplain Rob ert MUir adjutant Alonzo Child ers publicity director As guest of the post for the election meeting was District Le gion Commander William Rose of Williamsburg He was accompan ied by Conrad rindhn Williami buig should be a permanent Government (provision of adequatewill remain a major na Weather orecast 7 Kentucky air and moder ately warm tonight Wednesday rather cloudy and warm with scattered showers mostly in cen tral and west portions o' 'T Glenn Gilliam a World War II veteran last night was elected commander of Evarts American Legion Post No 237 succeed ing Zerter Bowlin Black Mountain who had held the post two years Commander elect Gillian and the other officers 'named last night will be installed at a meeting June 9 at Red Bud Bowlin said Others elected were Jack Mc Peak first Vice commander Eu gene White second vice comman der Buford Gorman sergeant at nrms John finance offi todny Boy rnnktott Ky Muy 27 iD 1'1)6 Legislative net requiring employers engaged in hazardous occupations to operate under the Suite Com Iiw was declared in valid by the Court of Appeals Hannah Cumberland Hensley Cumberland Hall Tectcrsville Cumberland Henry Bine Mountain Carroll Morgan Ledford Harlan ourteen' additional Harlan Countians have enlisted in the Regular Army during May recruiters at the Army Recruit ing Station here announced today The list includes Ray King Gulston Robert Burkhart Evarts Thomas Dean Guls ton Ross arley Evarts Her bert Barnett Robert Cane Couch" Jones Harlan: Wallins Henry good: Edgar Noe Smith Harlan Veterans of World War this group include Burkhart Hen sley Cane Couch Morgan Noeind Smith thc recruiters said to Cou ri cin zones The court ruled it was re pealed by another law enacted later at the same session which requires employers not desiring to opciate under Hie compulsory law to take out insurance suffici ent to cover any court judgments for deaths of injuries to their em ployes The decision was re versing Boyd Circuit' Court In a test suit brought by A Sump ter operator of a lumber yard Sumpter declared he wanted to take out insurance but declared the compulsory act prohibited his doing that because it specifically provides penalties for failure to operate under it by employers whose Work is hazardous No Dissent Offered Sumpter engaged an occupa tion which the court said wa ad mittedly hazardous also asserted the compulsory amendment was unconstitutional Appellate Judge Thomas Dawson declared without dissent Continued On Page £ix:" Commander? Wade Stanfill of the Ilitlan Veterans of oreign ars post announced and Girl Scouts' of Harlan would sell the traditional Pop pies" in Harlan Thursday and ri day under auspices of the VW post Bearing a Memorial Day theme the yoppies will be sold to provide funds for disabled veterans of past wars Stanfill said He added that no specific charge would be set foi the Buddie Poppies con tributions left to purchasers ACCUSING RUSSIANS IN AUSTRIA yesterday with Ing Austrian industries farm products livestock ma sources im violation of Potsdam pact General Mark Clark above returns to to command after heading Yanks in Austria ex easlcin Ken in the neaaei hJ 'SUkhs Val Jcy in reotucky thence in nn easterly direction to Coi bin northeasterly to Binning Springs and then to Oneida Hazard and to the present EaJern Standard Time border above Whitesburg This too would include till of Harlan County 3 A new zone' following that of No 2 from Chntinnopga to the Tennessee Kentucky 'boundary thenee east at the Tcninssee Imo to the piesent EST border line This posal wout! cm hide Hir Jan County and all other Ken tucl points in its cntirlty ccpi in extreme lucky which ahcudy is Eastern belt Opinions Sought A conceited ltort is made throughout Jlirlan ty to obtain public opinion the three proposed new Gcmgc Ward secretary of the Harlan County Coal Oper ators Association has announced he would contait association members to obtain their senti ments on the proposal Springer Robinson of the Italian Kiwams Club and Dr Tracy Jones president of the Hailan Lltyis Club announced they Would obtain sentiment within those two organizations Civic Leaders Asked Civic lenders throughout the county also will be asked to vclce their opinions of the Continued On Page Six Late News a summary Washington 'the Senate ten tatively decided to make the pro posed income tax cut effective next July 1 rather than last Jan 1 as specified jjy the House Washington' House Republi cans many already worried heard a Democrat say that it will be if they sup port the dominated Ap propriations recom mended 32 per cent cut in farm funJs rankfort Ky Willis state industrial relations commis sioner announced an order be came efective today making man datory compliance witlj an in creased wage scale'' for women and children iti general Kentucky industry Portland Ore Brig I Gen Evans Carlson 51 famed lead er of the Marine unit known as Raiders dies in Port land Hospital Washington Senate inquiry into report 248000 ton steel transaction defer red 24 hours when marshals say they unable to serve subpoena on key witness Herbert Karp of New York City Grandview Mo President Truman says his mother Hoover Urges I Says Russia rance Must Aid Largest CirciilaHoii Washington May 37 Her bert Hoover said today the try of former enemy countries' must be unshackled and expressed' belief that world economic re covery could come two or three if Russia and rance will co operate The former President talked to reporters after he appeared be fore a House Appropriations committee to back up the Ad ministration's request for a $725 000000 civilian relief fund for occupied countries '7 Stresses Three Points He told newsmen that: 1 He is now engaged in a prl vate study of how great a load this country can bear in world re lief and recovery work with the probability his finding 7 will ready a couple of 2 He would not regard asepa rate peace with Germany and Japian a violation of an interna tional agreement the other party consistently fails to carry out ng violates the terms I think you are under any moral' obligation 1 see why i we are obligated to go on forever under these ivlUl 1 IpUl JUo dciiuri is meeded in foreign countries to col lect foorf which is now going in to the Black XMarkets Michigan Murder Suspect Caught In Toledo Ohio Imlay City Mich May 27 Slender 16 year old bhver Ter penning Jr was arrested near Toledo today and was charged with murder yin the flower patch slayings of four children of a neighbor farmer 1 7 Justice Albert Perkins signed a warrant on recommemJation of Prosecutor Kenneth Smith of La peer County charging Terpenning with the murder of 16 yeaf old Barbara Smith oldest of the four victims' and of Ter penming The bodies of three girls and a boy bouquets of flowers clutched in their hands werei found late Monday near a swampy gravel 1 PH 4' 'They were (Barbara 16 Gladys 12 Janet 2i and kStanley 14 children of Mr and Mrs William Smith 'living on a farm nine miles northeast of here Motorist Turns Boy in Terpenning iwas turned' over to Ohio authorities shortly after motorist gave him a ride as he hitchhiked South toward the Michigan Ohio line Police: officials in both states said 'he admitted shooting the children about 3 Monday but that he gdve no reason for his act Sgt Carl Seim of the Michigoii State Police post at Erie Mich said the high school boy appeared to be a Michigan troopers sped across the state line to suburban Toledo and returned Terpenning to Michigan They questioned him briefly at Erie and then took him by car to State Police headquar ters in East Lansing vu Verbal Confession Made I the East Lansing Center'of ficers said Terpenning had made a verbal confession to Erie troop ers They said bloodstains marked Uip khaki clothes he was werimg a The youth a of the slain Barbara Smith had been the object of a state wide hunt since another of the 14children found the bodies iy I Sgt Seim said Terpennmg told of going fto Port Huron Mich about 36 miles east'of here There he abandoned his car and set out hitchhiking' He rode to Detroit in a truck and got a sec ond lift to the vicinity of Erie Norman Dombrosky a passing motorist from Erie gave the youth a ride and began questioning him whqn he noted his resemblance to a broadcast description of the wanted youth Sgt Seim said Dombrosky told him that Terpenning admitted he was "wanted for in Michigan The driver immediately pro Continued On Page Six Shows Symptoms Of Having Sweet Tooth Eases Clamps Washington May 26r Household sugars shortage prob lems are being eased rapidly The Agriculture Department to day came up with tins good news for the housewife: 1 spare stamp ino iz in rauon books may be used for 10 pounds of sugar immediately rather than on June 1 as previously ced 2 A new rationing stamp good for 10 pounds will be validated not later than Aug 1 and 3 If the sugar picture continues to improve the individual consu mer can get more sugar than the 35 pounds previously allotted him for 1947 The action assures By Army Here Seven Are Veterans Of World War II Cnmmiinn VllllllliIVII 4 or Recreation Goal In Harlan SoutbeMtern Kentaaky ICC Hearing OnEasfem '1 Trip To Cuba Says 'Just Happened To Be With Garsson' i Washington May 27 or mer Congressman Andrew May told a ederal jury that he and munitions maker Murray Garsson flew to Cuba a month alter the war started But he said he just to on the same plane with Garsson and remember whether they shared iqijoining hotel rooms inliHav man of the House Military Com miltec is oh trial oiA hafges of takingj'S'SbjKlO itf iJies from Ga rsson A 1 1 cl his Hbnry operators of a munitions com bine The GarssorfsrOJdibrged with paying the alleged bribes for help May gave war contracts and other matters Questioned About Trip William A Paisley chief pros ecutor questioned May about the Havana tup Just before he con cluded a lengthy cross examina tion of the former Kentucky Congressman you in Havana Cuba hue from Chattanooga Tenn to Cincinnati This would Include the whole of Harlan County and finds on its western boundary sinh cities as Georgetown De catur Hurrfrrian Whitley City Oneida and Helenwood in Ten nitw Whitley City Burnside' SuinctJrl Science Hill' gubgnk Stunfurd Nuhulasville ton' Georgetown zWilhaiaalowii in Kentucky toz Cincinhaii In Ohio 2nd Charted 23 A Vew rone bounded on the southwest by Chattanooga fol lowing the same line as Nozf101 th of Ilarrirnpn Teiiqf jutting off New Housing Agency Urged Truman Asks Congress To Act Nicaragua Chief 'Incapacitated' Sacasa Named Provisional Head STANDARD PRINTING CO '''i i 220 23 SOUTH IRST ST Harlan Daili Satfcrpris NEA eatures Telephotos HARLAN KENTUCKY TUESDAY MAY 27 1947 Youth 16 Held In Slaying Of 4 Children There's Nothing New In This Liquor Case But A Jail Term Harlan City Police Again Arrest Huey Ramsey AfterSimilatChase 'Iluey Ramsey Harlan Was fined $10850 and received a 30 day jail sentence in the City Court this morning on a whisky charge City Policemen red Howard and James Bailey said they arrested Ramsey near Harlan Central School building after chasing him in a patrol car from North Mam Street at 5:00 a this morning' They said they saw Ramsey speeding along North Main street and chased him in the police car to the school house where they stopped him and took hirn to the home of City Judge Lige Howard where they obtainedw a search warrant A search of the auto revealed 12 cases of whisky the officers said Ramsey was arrested once before several weeks ago speeding through Harlan along the same loute by the same two pohemen who found almost 14 cases of liquor after firing several shots into the air to stop him the officers reported On this charge he was fined $10850 in City Court records revealed The second offense brought the ad dition of the 30 day sentence May Seeks Lt Gov Role iles 2d Time On Demo Slate Compensation LaivAcIVoided Says Another Statute Voids It Washington 27 TheNicaraguan Congress has declared President Leonard Arguella "in and 'named Benjamin Leseayo as nrovisiona! president the State Department was advised I Murray Garrson right after today The American Embassy at Man agua reported by telephone tliat Arguella ousted in a coup by Army has taken refuge in Mexican Embassy along with Glenn Gillian lected Commander Of Evarts Legion consumers the full 35 pounds of sugar promised under the 1947 Sugar Control Extension Act makes it available by Aug 1 Spare stamp No 53 good five pounds expired March spare stamp No 11 was validated for 10 pounds and is good until Oct 31 spare stamp No 12 will expire Oct 3 1 The number of the new stamp to be validated was not announc ed Washington Hlay 27 uP Presi dent Truman today proposed to Congress the creation of a com pletely new housing and home finance agency to handle virtually all Government activities in that field In a special message Truman said such an agency un qestionably make for greater ef ficiency and His plan would scrap the exist ing National Housing Agency (NHA) which coordinates pres ent housing funotrons It was created under the President's tvartime powers and will go out 01 existence six months after declared end of the war Seen As Permanent Unit Truman said the proposed new agency part of housing tional objective throughout the next the message said primary responsibility for meeting housing needs rests and must continue to rest with pri vate industry as I have stated on other occasions ederal Government however has an important role her after slight setback last to play in stimulating and facili night 'toting home construction Time Issue Set Knoxville Site Of Meeting Sentiment Sought The Interstate Commerce nimission will Juilil a hen ring at Knoxville June 16 In regard to tlie inclusion of Eastern Ten nessee and puits of Eastern Ken tmky in the Eastern Time Zone it was announced here today Currently under consideration iie three 'alternate zones being considered as changes in the present time zone divis Ion line Harlan County leaders were advisixl The ICC meeting stems from campaign launched by 'Knoxville Junior Chamber Commerce several months and picked up by civic and ser ice 01 ganizations throughout dhe potentially affected aiea Public Opinion Tested Harlan lervice chibs and civic lendeis immediately today began soundingout public opinion re guiding the proposals incenter that Harlan 1 County sentiment can bo expressed tn the ICC hearing The three proposed changes Include: 1 A new hounded on the west by a comparatively straight to ijeip them two wen burned to death plunged down a 20 foot' 'M itiirs ittll ime rfwnnAr) "hlrh Thchok was made by persons teseuc Hie men Wore they wer driven ana bv intense heat from the fire 'rankfort' Ky May 27 CP) William (Bill)Maythe Demo cratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor in 1943 was a candi date for the nomination again to day The'1 39 year old rankfort in dustrialist and farmer announced his 'candidacy late yesterday He said he had assurances from head quarters of the fur Democratic Governor Rep Earle Clem ents and State House Speaker Harry Lee Waterfield neither men will have a May added he didn't have a plat form but will operate with the nomine for Governor which ever man May a nephew of former Con gressman Andrew May of Pres tonsburg won the 1943 nomina tion over Henry Ward Paducah and John Whitaker Russellville But May lost to Repubulican Ken neth H' Tuggle Barbourville in the general electidn'by 526 votes May had been com missioner during the 1939 43 ad ministration of Democratic Gov ernor Keen Johnson Meanwhile in Washington Rep Howes Meade (R Ky) threw his weight into the Kentucky Re publican overnorship contest last nigh? by announcing that he would support John red Wil liams Paintsville who has just enter ed the race for the nomina tion saKHetdMayDescribes May 29 30 1 Pearl Harbor in January Paisley asked I was but I with Garsson" May said Garsson just pened to on the plane when he went on a personal inspection of Cuban military defenses apd airfield installations at the re quest of the late President Roose vdt you occupy an adjoin ing hotel room with Murray Gars son and have a joint sitting Paisley asked nable To Recall "I don't remember possibly we had adjoining May said you take Murray Garsson with I take him He was on the plane but so were 15 or 20 other May said he spent three days 1 in Havana When returned he said he reported to President Roosevelt and as a result a new airfield was built in Cuba also 1 May told the ederal Court XJS ojtllj UQ pontlRUOD County's Civic Leaders To Meet Here Tonight Harlan City moved nearer to an organized supervised recrea tion program today after repre sentatives of Harlan organization! had conferred last night with the City Council and representa tives of the agencies prepared for a second conference at the Hotel Lewallen at 7:30 to day 5 Harlan Lions Club Committee fn charge of arrangements for to meeting said today it was the hope of his committee that de finite action to set up a Harlan City Recreation Commission will be taken at the meeting looks like get a com with power to Land aaid in urging all persons inter ested in juvenilye problems here to attend the public meeting1 Tj' Judge Weir To Speak Headlining meeting Will be an address by former ed eral Juvenile Judge Weir Scottsburg Ind field secretary for the Recreation As sociation and a figure in youth problems for 39 years Judge Weir who has surveyed Harlan County's situation and appeared 4 briefly on Monday's program is scheduled to mhke recommendations for an aqtive recreational program here Although no definite action was taken at the Council meeting last night lead ers discussed problems of the pro jected program with the council men for more than three'hours' an dthe City1 Council agreed' to meet again Wednesday with State Recreation Director 1 Hershel Giles with the view of initiating definite action More Than 100 Invited 5 Land said he personally had enntartari mnro inn eduhtj tiy'tdfephohe'duf ing the past two days attempting to obtain a wide representation from throughout the county At tonight's session "He said it was hoped' as many Ms 300 persons would attend i Appearing on Monday were Mrs Bail A Gregory Harold Scott Giles Dr Tracy Jones: and membets ol the City Council rirndrM rxiW WIT CT 1 cil committed directed to survey' possible sites for recreational facilities reported one unnanipd outdoor site could be obtained at a cost of approximately $4006 He 'also briefly reviewed pos sible sites for indoor facilities Tax Avenue Aired Giles pointed out that a fourth?" class city such as Harlan was: empowered by Kentucky Statute to levy a tax for the expressed purpose of operating recreational Continued On Page Unshackleoes were Vph 1 ''A 5 i 1 A 4 I Ct 'fc' I 1 4S 7 4 aiiiniMrwwMiiiiiiiiiii ini mi i I.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.